

Metal-Fab Quality Products and Redefined Service

Metal-Fab manufactures clean air systems, furnaces, and other products developed specifically for commercial, light commercial, industrial, and residential applications. In business since 1959, Metal-Fab strives to produce better quality products and has redefined service for their customers. The company wants to earn your business with its wide variety of products and excellent customer service. Some of the its most popular products are listed below.

Vents and piping-related products for residential and light commercial use

  • Fire and ceiling radiation dampers
  • Flexible liners for chimneys
  • Type B gas vents

Exhaust ducting, chimneys, and vents for industrial, heavy commercial, and residential kitchen ventilation

  • The IPIC chimneys
  • Grease duct of the 4G variety
  • Grease duct of the G-Series variety
  • PSW and PIC chimneys

Clean air systems for industrial and heavy commercial use to clean highly polluted air circulating indoors during production

  • DownDraft table
  • Portable Source Capture
  • Dust collector
  • Ambient capture developed to be ceiling mounted
  • Clean air booth
The brand offers a maximum of 1-2 days on shipping of domestic products. They also promise a highly innovative manufacturing system and a customer-centered logistics department.