
SunJel has evolved in to a renowned brand since its launch in 1985. The company has been manufacturing highest quality of Gel fuels at par with the industry standards. The fuel is compatible with most kinds of fireplaces and guarantees soot less, odourless and fume less fires for safer homes. SunJel products are suitable for both indoors and outdoors use. You do not require to think about ventilation with a SunJel gel fuelled fire. The brand is also known for its range of accessories but it has mainly grabbed the market with the revolutionary SunJel Gel Fuel.
Gel Fuel
SunJel has vested its research and production budget primarily in the development and manufacture of the cleanest fuel in the market. SunJel’s Gel fuel is available online and it is an amazing value for money. You can get no soot, no fumes and no odour fire from a SunJel fuel. The fuel can light up into a 7-inch high flame that sustains light and heat up to 3 hours giving your fireplaces a high heating efficiency and at an affordable cost. In addition you do not have to worry about cleanups after the fire, since there will be no soot deposits to worry about.
You can take your pick from complimentary tools that can amplify your experience with SunJel products for your home and office. The first product in this line-up is the SunJel 6 inches lid opener, which also has magnetic snuffer attached to the opposite end of the actual lid opener. The 14-inch magnetic opener tool is a fancier and bigger than the 6 inches version. It also has a magnetic snuffer on the opposite end of the lid opener.
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