Osburn 950 Wood Stove - OB00950
Please call us at 1-888-418-0005 for any offers currently running!Would you like to add a dose of warmth and cozyness to your home? Bring comfort and functionality to your daily life with the Osburn 950, a small wood stove that will quickly become your cold-season essential.
Equipped with high density bricks, a top heat deflector to redirect heat in front of the stove as well as side panels that reduce clearances, the Osburn 950 offers quality and performance. Enjoy your winter evenings more than ever before!
Osburn 950 Specs:
Fuel type: Dry cordwood (16" recommended)
Recommended heating area-ft² : (*) 250 - 1,200
Overall firebox volume-ft³: 1.7
EPA loading volume-ft³: 1.55
Maximum burn time : (*) 5 h
Maximum heat output-dry cordwood : (2) 45,000 BTU/h (13.19 kW)
Overall heat output rate < : (2) (3) 12,124 BTU/h (3.55 kW) to 26,700 BTU/h (7.83 kW)
: (3) (HHV) (4) (LHV) (5)
Average overall efficiency (dry cordwood) : (3) 74 % (HHV) (4) 79 % (LHV) (5)
Optimum overall efficiency : (6) (7) 80 %
Optimum heat transfer efficiency : (8) 79 %
Average particulate emissions rate : (9) 1.8 g/h
Average CO : (10) 74 g/h
(1) Values are as measured per test method, except for the recommended heating area, firebox volume, maximum burn time and maximum heat output.
(*) Recommended heating area and maximum burn time may vary subject to location in home, chimney draft, heat loss factors, climate, fuel type and other variables. The recommended heated area for a given appliance is defined by the manufacturer as its capacity to maintain a minimum acceptable temperature in the designated area in case of a power failure.
(2) The maximum heat output (dry cordwood) is based on a loading density varying between 15 lb/ft³ and 20 lb/ft³ and reloading intervals ranging from 60 to 120 minutes. Other performances are based on a fuel load prescribed by the standard without any reloading between start and finish. The specified loading density varies between 7 lb/ft³ and 12 lb/ft³. The moisture content is between 19% and 25%.
(3) As measured per CSA B415.1-10 stack loss method.
(4) Higher Heating Value of the fuel.
(5) Lower Heating Value of the fuel.
(6) Performances based on a fuel load prescribed by the standard at 7 lb/ft³ and with a moisture content between 19% and 25%.
(7) Optimum overall efficiency at a specific burn rate (LHV).
(8) The optimum heat transfer efficiency is for the low burn rate (using HHV) and represents the appliance's ability to convert the energy contained in the wood logs into energy transferred to the room in the form of heat and does not take into account the chemical losses during combustion.
(9) This appliance is officially tested and certified by an independent agency.
(10) Carbon monoxyde.
General Features:
Combustion technology: Non-catalytic
High-efficiency certified appliance: CSA B415.1-10
Maximum log length: 17"
Log positioning: Loading over depth
Chimney diameter: 6"
Flue outlet diameter: 6"
Type of chimney: CAN/ULC S629, UL 103 HT (2100 °F)
Minimum chimney height (feet): 12'
Baffle type: High quality vermiculite
Approved for an alcove installation: Yes
Approved for a mobile home installation: Yes, with fresh air intake
Shipping Weight: 280 lb
Door type: Single, glass with cast iron frame
Glass type: Ceramic glass
Glass surface - dimensions (Width X Height): 10 1/4" x 8 7/8"
Glass air-wash system: Yes
Overall dimension (Height): 28 7/8''
Overall dimension (Width): 20 1/4''
Overall dimension (Depth): 27 7/8''
Door opening - dimension (Height): 7 5/8"
Door opening - dimension (Width): 12"
Firebox - dimension (Height): 11 3/4"
Firebox - dimension (Width): 14 1/4"
Firebox - dimension (Depth): 19 1/8"
Firebox lined with refractory bricks for better heat distribution: Yes
Stainless-steel secondary-air system improving gas combustion: Yes
Steel thickness - body: 3/16"
Steel thickness - top: 5/16"
USA standard (emissions): EPA
Canadian Standard (emissions): CSA B415.1-10
USA standard (safety): UL 1482, UL 737
Canadian standard (safety): ULC S627
Tested and listed as per applicable standards: By an accredited laboratory (CAN/USA)
Warranty: Limited lifetime Click to see the Osburn Wood Stove Owners Manual
Click to see the Osburn 950 Wood Stove Owners Manual
Click to see the Osburn 950 Wood Stove Dimensions
* If a refund is required then the $200 Cash Back Gift Card will not be refunded back as it will be a part of the refund.
California residents please click on the link for information on Proposition 65 BEFORE purchasing.