NBK Aftermarket COMBUSTION BLOWER 110V 60HZ - 21120/OEM-1-00-02275

Unfortunately, due to the nature of parts, once the order is placed, we cannot cancel the order and we do not accept returns or issue refunds. Some parts have long lead times. Please contact us via email with questions before ordering.

NBK Aftermarket COMBUSTION BLOWER 110V 60HZ - SKU: 21120 / OEM Cross-reference: 1-00-02275

Replaces OEM Part: Harman COMBUSTION BLOWER 110V 60HZ - OEM SKU: 1-00-02275

Equivalent to:
HARMAN 1-00-02275

If you have some questions about this part, please e-mail us at info@woodstovepro.com or call us at 1-888-418-0005.

We do our best to stock and ship parts in a timely manner. Unfortunately sometimes due to supply and demand it may take a couple of weeks to fill your order. If you have questions on stock please e-mail us before you order. Otherwise we will ship this item as fast as we can.

California residents please click on the link for information on Proposition 65 BEFORE purchasing.

Tags: Harman Original Equipment Manufacturer (O.E.M.) Replacement Part 1-00-02275 / HEARTH / NBK UPC: 810069184692

NBK Parts