Glow Boy

The Glow Boy wood pellet appliance, carries a five (5) year limited warrant for from the date of sale to the original owner against defects and workmanship on all steel parts, (excluding the burn grate), and one (1) year on electrical components. There is no specific warranty on the paint, glass, burn grate, fire brick and all gaskets or against damage caused from corrosion.
Proper care of your Glow Boy SERIES pellet appliance is required for peak, sustained performance. The need for and frequency of cleaning depends on the amount of pellets burned, pellet quality, length of time since last cleaning and the quality of the fire. While becoming acquainted with your new stove and the types of local pellets, inspect your BURN GRATE, BURN POT, HEAT EXCHANGE, ASH PIT, and WINDOW daily and clean until a pattern of cleaning re-quirement is determined. As heating demands increase the need for stove and exhaust system cleaning and ash removal will increase.
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